Author: Layne Norton

Dr. Layne Norton is an experienced bodybuilding/figure/physique/bikini coach, having coached hundreds of successful clients. He is also an IFPA & NGA natural pro bodybuilder and professional powerlifter. Layne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry as well as a PhD in Nutritional Sciences, and is the creator of the Biolayne Workout Builder, the Carbon Diet Coach and the Outwork Nutrition line of supplements.

“Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are fools.” – George Chapman (1559-1634) Much has been written about nutrition in the pages of magazines over the decades. I’m sure many readers who began reading muscle magazines when they were teenagers are now entering their 30’s and 40’s. Countless pages have been devoted to describing nutritional protocols to maximize gaining muscle and losing fat. But I submit to you that we have all been fools, not just the young as George Chapman implies, for we have neglected the fact that there are fundamental metabolic differences…

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Originally published on There are quite a few things that everyone in the fitness industry KNOWS.  You have to eat 8 meals per day, consume 400g+ protein per day, do fasted cardio, use heavy weights to bulk up, and light weights wit high reps to tone up… oh wait, those are all BROSCIENCE!  Don’t get me wrong, bodybuilding and fitness have been on the cutting edge of many dietary and training interventions that mainstream science is only now catching up.  Unfortunately, the vetting process for many of these protocols isn’t exactly stringent.  Thus, many things become accepted as ‘fact’,…

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