To get into shape, until you actually are fit, you have to think like a fit person.
The reason this doesn’t work for many people is because they get it wrong – they act like a fit person, by making good choices, but they don’t think like a fit person. The problem is, you can’t act like a fit person for long if you’re not thinking like one.
A fit person doesn’t look in the refrigerator, start drooling over a piece of chocolate cake, and tell herself she needs to be strong and walk away. A fit person doesn’t salivate over the smell of fries as she walks past McDonalds, but force herself to keep walking. A fit person doesn’t force herself kicking and screaming to go to the gym.
These are the things an unfit person thinks when she’s trying to get into shape.
A fit person isn’t tempted at all by the chocolate cake or by McDonalds. She doesn’t even give those things a second thought, they’re not what she eats, so there’s no effort in resisting them. A fit person can’t wait to go to the gym because she loves who she is and what she’s becoming.
Adopting the healthy fitness lifestyle is about discipline in the very beginning, but as soon as possible you have to train yourself to think like the person you want to become, not just act like her. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you’ll become that person!